Hire A Santa Claus Near West Melbourne, FL

About Us

SANTA is on the Way!

But before Christmas Eve gets here, Santa can make time for an hour or two to make a special appearance at your event or home holiday party. It’s a great opportunity to skip the long waiting lines to see the Big Man in the Red Suit, and even take your own pictures.

Life has a way of taking slow, lazy circles. I was raised during a time when contemporary know-it-alls told parents their children would never trust them again if they were duped by  the legend of Santa Claus. I wasn’t one of those kids who burst other kids’ bubbles about it, though. There was ales a certain obligation and decorum to observe when with “believers.”

Flashback to Christmas Eve, 1968.  A wicked blizzard is slashing through our state, our neighborhood, burying cars and … Well, people who always wish for a White Christmas may have gotten their fill that year.

Meanwhile, my Mother is having labor pains, but my sister isn’t due for another 3 weeks. Talk about timing.

There was something magical in seeing forbidden Santa braving Rudolph-weather conditions, on Christmas Eve, in my neighborhood.

Snow swirled, and you could see the chunky flakes drifting through the light of the streetlights.

I looked up our short street (down was a dead end), and emerging from the whipping white mist and walking toward me is … SANTA CLAUS! There was something magical in seeing forbidden Santa in the on Christmas Eve. When I started teaching Elementary School, I always read The Polar Express. Great book. Great movie. Must-see TV.

The Polar Express left a small, silver bell in my heart. When all is quiet, I still can hear it tinkle.