Rent A Santa Claus
SANTA is on the Way!
Before Christmas Eve arrives, Santa can make time for an hour or two to make a special appearance at your event or home holiday party. This is a great opportunity to skip the long lines to see the Big Man in the Red Suit, rent a Santa Claus, and take your own pictures with Santa in Orlando and Brevard County, FL.
Email address: Santa@Santaontheway.com
When Santa Visits
Santa will make his entrance at the appointed time and greet everyone. (Determine if there is a special person.) Santa has a little stunt he uses as an icebreaker.
Santa is a captivating read aloud/story teller; I can read holiday stories, I can read Christmas books.
Santa will share an “anecdote” about one of the reindeer or life at the North Pole.
Santa will do his best to answer questions.
“Has everyone thought about what they want to ask Santa for?”
Collect any letters for the North Pole.
Play Christmas tunes on Boom Box; each child visits for about 1 minute on Santa’s lap; pictures permitted; meanwhile, other children color handout picture (include santaontheway.com info), to keep.
Give each child (ONE) during visit: Candy cane, or holiday pencil, or a sticker.
Who is Santa?
Santa is a most beloved holiday figure, one who exists in different countries and cultures, with a variety of traditional names. Through personal public appearances, books, poems, movies and more, Santa Claus is a significant icon of our popular culture.
Santa Claus, Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Kinder Claus or known simply as Santa, this popular figure has a long history steeped in Christmas traditions. Today, he is thought of mainly as the jolly man in red who brings toys to good girls and boys on Christmas Eve, but his story stretches back to the 3rd century, when St. Nicholas walked the earth and became the patron saint of children.
In the United States, Santa Claus is often depicted as flying from his North Pole home to on Christmas Eve to deliver toys to children. He flies on his magic sleigh led by his reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and the most famous reindeer of all, Rudolph.
Santa magically enters each home, near the empty Christmas stockings “hung by the Chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there,” as Clement Clarke Moore wrote in his famous poem.
Santa Claus and his wife, Mrs. Claus, call the North Pole home. Children write letters to Santa and track Santa’s progress around the world on Christmas Eve. Children often leave cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for his reindeer on Christmas Eve.
Hire Santa Claus Near Orlando & Brevard County, FL
Santa is on the Way!
You can invite Santa to make a personal visit to your holiday gathering.
Imagine their surprise when the Jolly Fellow himself knocks at their door!
It is required that at least one other adult is present at all times. Please don’t
ask Santa to be your babysitter – that’ll land you on the naughty list, for sure!
You can invite Santa to make a personal visit to your holiday gathering. Imagine their surprise when the Jolly Fellow himself knocks at their door!
(Visit length can be negotiated.)
Email address: Santa@Santaontheway.com

Book Your Santa
Santa is a captivating read aloud/story teller; I can read holiday stories, I can read Christmas books.
You can invite Santa to make a personal visit to your holiday gathering. Imagine their surprise when the Jolly Fellow himself knocks at their door!
It is required that at least one other adult is present at all times. Please don’t ask Santa to be your babysitter – that’ll land you on the naughty list, for sure.
Naughty and Nice
Santa Claus keeps a “naughty list” and a “nice list” to determine who deserves gifts on Christmas morning. The lists are immortalized in the 1934 Christmas song “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”:
“He’s making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who’s naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!”
Email address: Santa@Santaontheway.com
Santas around the world

- Belgium-Pere Noel
- Brazil-Papai Noel
- Canada-Santa Claus
- Chile-Viejo Pascuero (“Old Man Christmas”)
- China-Dun Che Lao Ren (“Christmas Old Man”)
- Czech Republic- Svatý Mikuláš
- England– Father Christmas
- Finland-Joulupukki
- France-Pere Noel
- Germany-Saint Nikolaus & Weihnachtsmann (“Christmas Man”)
- Hawaii-Kanakaloka
- Holland-De Kertsman
- Hungary-Mikulas (St. Nicholas) & Tel-apo (Winter Grandfather)
- India-Santa Claus & Baba
- Italy-Babbo Natale
- Japan-Hoteiosho (a god or priest who bears gifts)
- Lithuania– Kaledu Senelis
- Netherlands-Kerstman & Sinter Klaas
- Norway-Julenissen (“Christmas gnome”)
- Peru– Papa Noel
- Poland-Swiety Mikolaj (St. Nicholas)
- Russia-Ded Moroz (“Grandfather Frost”)
- Spain– El Nino Jesus
- Sweden-Jultomten (“Christmas brownie”)
- United Kingdom- Father Christmas
The North Pole